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Common APRA Connect errors

Updated: Nov 14, 2022

APRA Connect is APRA's new data collection portal. Reporting entities who are submitting their data on APRA Connect will likely encounter some errors or validation issues. In this article we have gathered common issues/questions and validation rules reported by industry. Can't find your specific query/issue? Please feel free to contact us via email

1) You can't see any returns in APRA Connect

Possible reasons:

Option 1) You don't have the right user role in APRA Connect. Contact your Regulatory Reporting Administrator to be assigned the return preparer or service provider role.

Option 2) Specific to the Superannuation industry: You may have logged in under the Trustee rather than the Fund. APRA allocates SDT returns at the Fund level. When logging in via MyGov, make sure to select the Fund's entity.

2) Validation error: The string does not match the regular expression. Regular Expression:^[a-zA-Z0-9:-]*$

Reason: the value supplied in a column does not meet a technical validation rule. This typically happens when a special character or a space is used, where that is not accepted. Example where this occurs is unique identifiers. (E.g. product identifier or investment option identifier.)

Possible solution: Remove any spaces and special characters.

3) Validation error: The value 'XYZ' is not a valid key for the enumeration 'ABC'

Reason: APRA Connect expects exact, case sensitive values, based on the allowable values for each column in the returns. The enumerations in the taxonomy provides the best reference point for the allowable values.

4) Validation error: Primary Key for List 'XYZ' must be unique. The combinations of the following values are not unique

Reason: APRA publishes the fields that make up the uniqueness of a each record Element tab of the taxonomy artefacts (column "Primary Key"). Each table can only have one record for each unique combination. When the length of the combined values is too long - APRA Connect can't render the actual row(s) causing the validation error and users will need to perform the analysis on their reporting table.

5) Retrieve reports with >200 rows

APRA Connect has a limitation of rendering only reports (tables) with less than 200 rows of data. "The current limit for rendering this control is 200 rows. As this control contains [] rows it cannot be rendered at this time."

The only available workaround at this moment is to use the "Upload History" function, where you can download the uploaded report.

6) My report is automatically submitted.

When loading excel files, APRA Connect will load, validate and automatically submit the return if there are no validation errors or warnings.

If you would like to be prompted to confirm submission, after all validation rules have been passed, APRA has created a workaround solution (an extra validation warning). You can email APRA to enable this workaround solution. Note that APRA has indicated that for reporting tables with large volumes of data (e.g. ARF 112, 113, SRF 611), it may not be possible to enable this workaround solution.

APRA has informed industry that (multiple) resubmission(s) of reports before their due-date are considered common practice and APRA will not consider those resubmissions as indication of quality concerns.

7) Why does the APRA reporting standard uses different allowable values ("Label") than the APRA Connect forms ("Key")?

In recent APRA Connect taxonomies (such as the ADI Capital Reform), APRA has made a distinction between the labels and keys related to each allowed value (enumeration). Entities should populate the key in their forms; not the labels. It appears that the reason is driven by technical issues related to special characters (e.g. &%$><= etc), which is why the values which are listed in the reporting standard (e.g. LVR ratio "0 to <= 5%") needs to be reported as text value (e.g. LVR ratio "0ToLessThanEqualTo5Percent").

Note the case-sensitivity of the allowable enumeration key values.

7) Why is my Return stuck in "In Draft" status?

APRA Connect will put the status of the Return to In Draft while it processes the validation rules. For submission of large tables (e.g. 112 and 113 tables for ADI's, 611 for Super), this process can take some time (sometimes several hours) depending on the number of records in the return. Users will receive an email from the APRA Connect system once the validation process has been finished. The return will have received the submitted status (in case no validation errors) or remain In Draft with errors & warnings. The process will need to be repeated for as long as validation errors or warnings are encountered.

If you are encountering a validation error in APRA Connect not yet listed here, please send us your issue or question at


RegConnect automates your APRA reporting validation and submission process, in APRA Connect and D2A for all industries. To join one of our upcoming demo's, please register here.

Reg360 delivers a simplified enterprise reporting process, with team collaboration, version control and intuitive workflows.

For any questions related to APRA Connect or wider APRA reporting obligations, please contact us at


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