On 26th of March 2021, APRA released for the first time the technical taxonomy artefacts for APRA Connect.
APRA has released the draft technical taxonomy for the first phase of the Super Data Transformation (SDT) program. SDT related forms will be some of the first ones to be submitted through APRA Connect in September 2021. APRA is running a pilot program with a small number of nominated superannuation entities to test out the APRA Connect portal, ahead of releasing the external test environment to the wider industry in June 2021.
The draft artefacts include the data dictionary, validations, reporting taxonomy and XSD files.
APRA's newly released taxonomy introduces an entirely new submission and validation structure for APRA Connect. D2A and APRA Connect will co-exist for the foreseeable future, as APRA has indicated that only new reporting requirements will be introduced into APRA Connect.
RegConnect provides validation and straight through submissions in both APRA Connect and D2A, making the transition to APRA Connect a smooth journey for any regulated entity.
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